Styling Ice

Sander de Ponti specializes in the art of ice styling and ice photography, elevating the visual appeal of various ice delights.

To illustrate ice can be done in different ways. It’s possible to work with artificial ice but nowadays it is preferred to use the real product. To make this possible I have developed several techniques to keep the ice in good condition while scooping and preparing it, to then slowly let it melt into the most delicious ice cream.

Albert Heijn food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film

Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film

Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film

Albert Heijn

Albert Heijn
Tobias Reymond Foto/Film

Debic ice food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film
Debic ice food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film

Tobias Reymond foto/film

Ola ice food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Duivelseiland Fotografie


Ola ice food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Duivelseiland Fotografie


Ola ice food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Duivelseiland Fotografie


Duivelseiland Fotografie 

Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Remko Kraaijeveld
Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Remko Kraaijeveld
Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Remko Kraaijeveld
Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Remko Kraaijeveld

Hertog ijs
Remko Kraaijeveld

Albert heijn ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film

Albert heijn ijs vanille

Albert heijn ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film

Albert heijn ijs stracciatella

Albert heijn ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film

Albert heijn ijs pecan-karamel

Albert heijn ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film

Albert heijn ijs malaga

Albert heijn ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film

Albert heijn ijs chocolade

Albert heijn ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and Tobias Reymond foto/film

Albert heijn ijs aardbei

Albert Heijn
Tobias Reymond foto/film

Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and obias Reymond foto/film

Hertog Special Walnoot Royaal

Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and obias Reymond foto/film

Hertog Special Stroopwafel Feest

Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and obias Reymond foto/film

Hertog Special Advocaat Royaal

Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and obias Reymond foto/film

Hertog Mono Koffie Kwartiertje

Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and obias Reymond foto/film

Hertog Mono Kersen Kadootje

Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and obias Reymond foto/film

Hertog Mono Hazelnoot Hapje

Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and obias Reymond foto/film

Hertog Classic Stracciatella Roomijs

Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and obias Reymond foto/film

Hertog Classic Slagroomijs Light

Hertog ijs food styling photoshoot by Sander de Ponti and obias Reymond foto/film

Hertog Classic Vanille Roomijs

Hertog IJs
Tobias Reymond foto/film